My day was spent mostly with my mom. I went with her and Denise into Janesville and they dropped me off at Shopko (very similar to K-Mart but a little nicer and only found up north). I looked a round a little but didn't feel like spending any more money. I walked over to Goodwill and found some more clothes for me. I bought a skort, jean capris and 2 tops for 15$.
We came back to the house and I was supposed to go with Sarah, Joe, Rebecca and Jacob to meet up with Gezzi. But the more I got to thinking about it, I didn't really feel like going with all of them and plus it didn't matter that much to me to see Gezzi. So I decided to stay with my mom.
So my mom, Denise and I went to the Bent&Dent store. If we had the room to haul groceries back, we would have bought a ton! They have some really good prices on certain things - candy, salad dressing, baby food, pepsi.
Denise dropped us off at Burger King and we waited for Sally to come and pick us up to spend the rest of the day with her. We drove down to Rockford and went to our favorite dollar stores. Then we meet up with Pam and Lori at a really nice Italian place and had a late lunch/ early dinner. They all wanted to see my wedding pictures so I got them out. I was really nervous about my pictures cause they were looking at them with food and drinks around and it wasn't a very big table. But it all turned out well and they loved the pictures. I had a drink, unlimited salad and bread, chicken parmigiana, and ice cream - all for 9$!
Sally had a Celebrating Homes meeting so we went with her.
But before we got there, she swung through the Mcdonald's drive through and bought me a sweet tea! When we lived here they didn't have them - we didn't know what sweet teat was till we moved south. Now we are all addicted to them and was quite sad that we had to go a whole week without our sweet tea. But now they have it up here. It's pretty new and people up here still aren't sure about them yet.
At the meeting we saw a few a ladies that my mom knew. But we spent most of our time upstairs visiting with Pam. After the meeting we went over the mission where the rest of the family already was visiting with Josh and Don. But when I went to start taking pictures of people, I realized that I had left my camera at the meeting! I do not know what my problems has been this week, but I can not seem to keep track of it! A lady drove it over to me and then I was happy again. :0) I think that we all had a very nice time reminisce about the old days and catching up on our new lives.
We didn't get home till close to 12 am and we were all tired and starting to get cranky.